10 useful back to school tips!

10 ideal back to school tips
Whether you want it or not, the new academic year is coming closer and closer. Did you do the preps already? Physically and mentally-speaking. Not yet? Then we have a few ideal back to school tips in store for you. A kick-start guaranteed! Read all tips below:
1. Buy an agenda and pre-fill it.
Take the month pages to note important data like birthdays, deadlines and the fun part; holidays! In the Correctbook Agenda you can fill in the complete birthday calendar. In that way you’ll never have to search for a last-minute gift for anyone.
2. Planning is key!
Write down your schedule in your agenda. This clears your mind and makes sure you can easily find your schedule at any time. Other than that, you can also write down your daily routine, for example. That’s why a separate schedule page is also present in the Correctbook agenda.

3. List your tasks.
Write down all your to do’s on the scratch to-do list. Maybe you still have to shop for school supplies? Upgrade your room? Or hand in that report? Easily erase it on the to-do list but be aware; only when it’s really completed. Gotta love that feeling, right? Clear the list to clear your head!
4. Learning with flashcards.
Unknown territory? Then you really missed out on something. These little cards are ideal to study concepts, words, or summaries. Or note the question on one side of the card and the answer on the other side. You can use our flashcards endlessly. Need a break? Invite your friends for a game of 30 seconds with the flashcards.
5. Cheer up mate.
But how? Well…For example you can use different colours in your notes and/or summaries. In that way you can also distinguish certain chapters or differentiate between very important subjects and somewhat less important subjects. Or use green for spare time, black for school and red for stuff you really shouldn’t forget. Dull agenda or notebook? Decorate it with stickers! The Correctbook icons brighten up your whole world.
6. Learn to love your mistakes.
Yes, it’s a bit of a cliché, but entirely true. You can make mistakes endlessly with Correctbook. Say goodbye to your Tipp-Ex. Erasing does the trick! With the erasing cloth, a cleaning sponge, or the powerful cleaning spray.

7. Write down all your summaries and/or notes in a notebook.
Making notes during class, will help you to memorize the subject better. With the Correctbook A4 you’ll have a gem. You can reuse this sustainable star every year or semester. Scan (the most important) pages with the Correctbook App after every semester and erase everything afterwards. With the tabs you can mark different courses or separate subjects.
8. Pack all your school supplies for the next school day.
Save time by collecting your school supplies the evening before. Fill your pencil case with all your pens etc. Do a quick check before leaving home: did you put everything in your bag? Check, check, double check.
9. Create a study playlist.
Just put all your favourite songs in a playlist. And of course, the lovely summer hits can’t be missed. They’ll keep you in the mood. Plus, it makes learning just a little more fun. Pinky-promise.
10. Chillaaxx.
It’s still summer, so enjoy your freedom while it lasts. Go for that cannonball, jump of that slightly-too-high rock, read that book, play that new game for at least 10 times in a row ánd finally bring your Spanish into practice on holiday.