Back to our roots

Back to where it all started…(written by founder Sam)
Where is that? South-Africa! Back in 2014 the idea of Correctbook came up with me right here. Now I am here for the second time, ready to take the next steps forward to establish Correctbook Africa. And I’m not the only man on this job, I’m doing this together with Roel de Haas: co-owner of Correctbook Africa. I met Roel through Edukans.
Who is Roel? I will tell you more about that first. Roel worked for his own company for years, organising the logistics of development aid projects in different African countries. He made sure millions of books were produced at the right locations and were safely transported to the right destinations. He developed this responsibility to such an extend that he could even present track & trace codes for these transports! Awesome, isn’t it? I am super happy with Roel joining the team, because he brings in a load of valuable field experience and a network of contacts in Africa.
Together with Roel I visited an old acquaintance; the director of Afrika Tikkun (a South-African non-profit community that upholds youth development as the hallmark of change). I had last seen him years ago, when Correctbook had just started. The director has his own foundation called Rhiza which battles against extreme poverty and this became the very first foundation to which we donated Correctbooks.
But what are our further plans in South-Africa? Making more impact obviously! This means thinking of ways to make our products available in the book stores in South-Africa, but also how to enter the market of ngo’s and donors. In order to do this we will need to obtain the Correctbooks in South Africa. That’s why we are working hard to set up a production location in this beautiful country where my adventure started.