Together we can achieve the Sustainable Development Goals

Wait, what? The Sustainable Development Goals. These were drawn up by the United Nations in 2015 as the New Development Agenda for 2030. But what does this have to do with Correctbook? Well, we’re putting in our best effort to contribute to these goals. Luckily, we’re not one of the biggest polluters in the world, but we’re trying our best to contribute to the following goals:
SDG 4 Quality education
Well, this matches our mission for a hundred percent. What exactly does this objective entail? Ensure equal access to quality education and promote lifelong learning for all. The objective is further specified in several sub-objectives. Of these, 4.6 'Ensure by 2030 that all young people and a large number of adults, both men and women, are literate and numerate' is a very nice one. We hope to help with this with our own goal of 'providing 1 million children with writing material for a year by 2023!

SDG 8 Decent work and economic growth
But what does that look like? Promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all. So, a mouth full, but also a very important one. With our local production locations in Africa, we create employment for the local population. We certainly want to expand this in the coming years, which will provide even more local employment. Would you like to know more about our local production? View Sam's adventures in Africa here. In addition, people with a distance to the labour market, work in production in the Netherlands. In this way we try to help more people to get a decent job.
SDG 12 Responsible consumption and production
What does this actually mean? Ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns. We aim for a greener world in all ways. Always trying to take steps in the right direction. For example, we largely produce CO2 neutral. With the sale of our products, we hope to decrease the world's paper waste pile. And we want to be able to make all our products fully sustainable as soon as possible. We made a start with our plastic ring binders! Would you like to know more about sustainability at Correctbook? Discover our sustainability blogs. The paper we use in production is FSC certified paper from sustainably managed forests. Want to know which notebooks we sell? Go check them out here.

SDG 15 Life on land
What does this objective represent? Protect, restore, and promote sustainable use of ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat and reverse desertification and land degradation, and halt biodiversity loss. In other words: there’s work to be done! This also includes stopping deforestation, which we are working hard on by reducing paper use in the world. In addition, we work together with Treesforall to ensure that more trees are planted, so that we can produce CO2 neutral.
SDG 17 Partnerships for the goals
To put it bluntly; strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development. Or the Rotterdam way: roll up your sleeves together to achieve all objectives! Therefore, we’re constantly looking for collaborations to increase our impact. At the moment we’re working with our partner Edukans on the program 'Teaching With Impact'. But development aid certainly falls under this goal as well and that naturally fits in seamlessly with our mission.
Wanna join in to achieve these goals? Easy-peasy: buy your Correctbook now!
Wanna know more about the Sustainable Development Goals? Read all about it here.