Teaching with Impact
Edukans x Correctbook
Goed onderwijs voor iedereen
250 miljoen kinderen gaan helaas nog iedere dag naar school zonder pen en papier. Meer dan 750 miljoen mensen, wereldwijd boven de 15 jaar, zijn mede hierdoor analfabeet.
400.000 Correctbooks in productie
Er zijn op dit moment 400.000 Correctbooks in productie waarmee wij kinderen in ontwikkelingsgebieden een 3 maanden voorzien van schrijven in onze strijd tegen analfabetisme.
Ons doel? 1 miljoen kinderen helpen voor 2023
Wij hebben ons als ambitieus doel gesteld 1 miljoen kinderen in
ontwikkelingsgebieden een jaar lang
van schrijven te voorzien
voor 2023.
Correctbook Training
The success of Correctbook in Africa strongly depends on the proper implementation of the projects. What does this mean? This means that teachers at schools where we have made our books available, need to be trained on how to use Correctbooks properly. Examples of this are the instruction on how to fill the pens using the refill station and that the materials should be kept safe at school and cannot be taken home by the children. These simple trainings are factors that dramatically increase the impact of our materials. Our partners in the various African countries are responsible for this and they are carefully selected for this. Watch the short video on the right to get an impression of what the Teaching With Impact program entails.

The Teaching With Impact Program
For collaboration outside our own projects, we set up a program that takes this entire process off your hands. This project is called Teaching With Impact. It is a great collaboration in which Correctbook offers the erasable writing material and Edukans provides the corresponding training for the teachers. But it gets even better. Together with Edukans we have developed a teaching method that is written to be used in combination with the Correctbook writing materials. We've now been able to provide 442,690 children in five different African countries with this teaching method together with Correctbook's erasable writing material.
So the program consists of training for the teachers based on a special teaching method from Edukans and Correctbook provides the corresponding writing materials. The training gives the teachers more confidence to teach, moreover the Correctbooks provide an easier way to teach. Theory is more easily converted into practice with handy exercises in the Correctbook. The teaching method is a proven method that improves the local literacy rates as well as the direct results of the children in school. For the children, the teaching method is a more fun way to learn and a lot less stressful. They no longer have to worry about their writing being correct and they're told that shouldn't worry about making mistakes! With a Correctbook you can and can practice endlessly.
The impact van het TWI Program
The Teaching With Impact program started in Ghana, after which it was successfully introduced in Malawi, Uganda, Kenya and Ethiopia. These countries were visited over a period of six months to immediately start working with the erasable teaching material.
With the training program we aim to improve the education of 5 million children before 2025. An ambitious goal to which Correctbook has contributed by providing both children and teachers with durable erasable writing material. The aim of Correctbook, in addition to supplying the erasable notebooks, is to produce locally as much as possible. Besides Rwanda, the notebooks are now produced in Ghana, Kenya, Malawi and Uganda.